Monday, December 30, 2019

New Management Styles for a Recovering Economy

New Management Styles for a Recovering EconomyNew Management Styles for a Recovering EconomyNew Management Styles for a Recovering Economy RossheimExecutives, managers and staff of all career stages weathered the great recession of 2007-2009 in different ways. Managers, whether pressured by sagging sales or profit-hungry stockholders, have engaged in round after round of cost-cutting, adversely impacting many employees.But given an impressive accumulation of economic gains in the mid-2010s, its time for company veterans to take aelendher look at how theyre managing people in a long-running recovering. Fifteen years into this not-so-new millennium, whats the key to cultivating productive employeesand a satisfied staff?While employers must learn to manage their Millennial employees, the needs of these maturing employees turn out not to be so different from other generations of workers.Its time to listen. Managers and executives who lack listening skillsand ignore their employees run th e risk of losing them and the capital that their institutional knowledge represents.Ive worked with a big benefits company thats finding their employees are speaking up more, says Frank Faeth, principal at Faeth Executive Coaching. Because with the improved economy, they have more job opportunities.Says Joan Kuhl, founder of consulting firm Why Millennials Matter Managers can abflug with listening, in one-on-one talks, to find out an employees thoughts on the work, on what the business can be doing better. Its also important to huddle more, to bring the team together.Millennials matter, more and more. Both Gen Xer and Boomer executives need to recognize that, however different Millennial work attitudes may be toward work, they are the generation thats coming into power.Some older managers have a hugely dismissive attitude toward Millennials and all younger workers, says Kuhl. Managers need to know Millennials will become the largest segment of the workforce, so we have to help them be as productive as possible. We need to tell elder employees, Millennials success is important for yur legacy. And to be heard, you have to understand how each generation best likes to receive information.Keep in mind that your various layers of your multigenerational workforce require a unique approach to career planning.Let Millennials work to their strong suit. While some Millennials may require some help filling a gap in their soft skills, many Gen Y employees bring many valuable perspectives to the office senior managers who fail to recognize and act on these insights are overlooking a competitive advantage.In a previous role at a traditional manufacturer, I asked some Millennials to redesign our office space, says Dan Hawkins, president of Summit Leadership Partners. They did, with a hotel set-up and desks and filing cabinets on wheels and productivity went up exponentially.Mentor new hires on company culture. A well-structured mentoringprogram can be a great way to build b ridges between company veterans and new hires who all experienced the recession in their own ways.Employees who have been with the company longer are a product of its culture, says Hawkins. But the new person wont have a true feel for the culture, and they may do things that are countercultural. Maybe in meetings a new employee will just throw out ideas until he discovers that the companys culture is to wait until youre asked to speak.Millennials are apt to welcome coaching on how to work with the companys culture whereas an old-schoolers cold shoulder could nudge the younger generation to cruise job postings over lunch.Nasty managers can hurt the workforce bottom line productivity. For managers who ran roughshod over hunkered-down staff during the financial crisis, its time for change in leadership style.Abrasive executives get found out, says Faeth. Employees will go to HR and say, You may not know this, but Joe is really abrasive. But there are not a lot of HR managers who have the guts to say that this exec needs help unless the behavior is leading to lawsuits. Still, if youre being mistreated at work, youre unproductive.Disgruntled Millennials can be quick to quit. Boomers and Xers may also find that their younger reports are less averse to the risk of abrupt changes in their careers. Millennials are far less likely to put up with abrasive managers than Xers and Boomers, says Faeth. Its so important for Millennials to like what they do. They may not speak up theyre more likely than older workers to just leave.Managing diversity is a must. Multiple generations arent the only dimension of diversity that executives must face anew as the economy perks up. Companies say they want diversity and fresh thinking, but people not accustomed to that have a very difficult time, says Hawkins. The leaders role is to understand that people are not the same, whether the differences are generational or have to do with race or gender.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

7 secrets top athletes can teach you about being the best at anything

7 secrets top athletes can teach you about being the best at anything7 secrets top athletes can teach you about being the best at anythingWed all like to be better at what is most important to us.Top athletes know the secrets to constant improvement but most of us dont hang out with gold medalists or top coachesand were elendlage familiar with the sports research. So I called a guy who is.David Epstein is the author of the New York Times bestsellerThe Sports Gene Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance.Its an excellent read whether youre a sports fan or elend and covers a lot of the science on how we can get better at anything.In this post youll learnThe one word thattop students and top athletesboth useto get better.The thing babies can teach us aboutlearning.Howbeing difficult to verstndigung im strafverfahren with can boost your learning ability.The qualityall prodigies have in common.The question that accelerates learning.How to leverage your unique abilities to be your best.And a lot mora.Lets get to it.Dont Let Anyone Say You Dont Have TalentYou get told you dont have natural talent at something. Or youre not smart enough. Not fast enough. Soyou get discouraged and quit.But new research is showing some abilities dont make themselves visible until challenges get hard enough.Heres DavidOnce things get hard enough, people start to be differentiated andsee some skills that theyprobably didnt even know they had.Those skills were only activated once they got into the right spot and the challenges got difficult.Theres a new factor in sports research called trainability. Some people may not have natural talent but they may be highly trainable.They start out below average but improvefar faster. When we measureunterstellung people on day one they get told they dont have it. But after a few weeks or months theyre blowing away the so-called naturals. The lesson? skipiste in there.(For more on what the most successful people do that makes them great, clickhere.)So talents not as big an issue as you may have thought. But where should you focus your energy?What Do You Rage To Master?What doprodigies have in common? Ellen Winner at Boston College calls it the rage to master. Its aninsatiable desire to get better at something specific.Heres DavidI love some of the work done by Ellen Winner at Boston College on prodigies. She coined this term rage to master. Its the obsessive desire to improve at something.We think of prodigies as little miracle kids. And yeah, when you look at tests of working memory they score off the charts. But thats theonlymetricthey all have in common.So they dont have completely alien super-brains.A huge part of why theyre so good is they found the thing they had natural talent for and relentlessly applied themselves. And thats something we can all do.Heres DavidReal prodigies basically all score in the 99.9th percentile of working memory but after that they score really, really differently. It suggests that w hile they have some horsepower, they also have individualized unique strengths that have made them good for what they do. They arent just interchangeable. They gravitated toward unique strengths that they have.(To learn how you can go from dreaming to doing, clickhere.)So you know what youre passionate about and youre working hard. Whats the best way to get started? Youll be surprisedDont Follow Instructions. Learn Like A Baby.When did you learn the most and learn the fastest? Theres no debate its when you were a baby.You didnt get clear instructions from anybody on anything and yet you learned some of the most complex things in the world, like walking and talking.This process (implicit learning) isnt just for babies. Were often too focused on executing very specific steps and so we dont take the time to fumble aroundandmake mistakeslike when we were kids.As adults we think we dont have time for it but its one of the reasons we dont learn as well as when we were little.Heres DavidAl lowing implicit learning early in whatever were learning, whether its chess, whether its looking at market patterns, whatever it is, is very important. You dont wanttoo much explicit coaching early on. You want to learn like a baby. Babies are immersed and theyre given immediate feedback and they have to strive and try.Only later do you formally teach them things like grammar.And its not just speculation. Research with young surgeons is showingthe power of learning like a baby.Heres DavidOn the first try those given explicit instructions were better, but very very quickly the ones who started with more implicit-style learningsurpassed them insurgical speed and accuracy.(To learn about grit and resilience from a Navy SEAL, clickhere.)Whats the main question you should be asking yourself when trying to improve?Ask Whats Most Important Here?InThe Sports Gene,David tells the story of what happened whentop basetanzveranstaltung batters went up against a female softball pitcher.She struck every single one of them out.How did she do it?Because the old advice of keep your eye on the ball is dead wrong. In fact, its impossible - a baseball moves too fast. Its not about reaction time. Its about the subtle cues a batter sees in a pitchers body before they throw the ball.But baseball batters arent used to how softball pitchers move. They get all the cues wrong and strike out.If you dont know what theimportant part of what youre trying to learn is then youre like a batter trying to keep their eye on the ball. Youre focused on improving thewrong thing.Heres DavidThe hallmark of expertise is figuring out what information is important. And in many cases, these are things that are implicitly learned that the performer themselves would not be able to tell you. They will tell you something that causes their success and in many cases theyll be wrong. Weve had to do some pretty complicated studies to figure out what it is they actually do.(To learn how to find the best mentor for you, clickhere.)If youre smart, youre getting help with whatever youre trying to get better at.Whats the best way to deal with your teacher? Its probably not what youd expectBe A Pain In The aspirinTheGroningen talent studies have been following kids in the classroom and in a variety of sports for 15 years now.What do the ones who go on to get the best grades or become pro athletes have in common?They didnt merely do what they were told. They questioned coaches and teachers. They pushed back. They asked if this was the right activity for them to be doing.Heres DavidThekids that outdid their peers in the classroom and the kids that went on to become pros in a variety of sports had behavioral traits in common.The kids who went to the top in soccer, for example, they displayed what the scientists called self-regulatory behavior. Its a12-year-old whos going up to their trainer and saying, I think this strenge ausbildung is a little too easy. What is this working on again? Why are we do ing this? I think Im having a problem with this other thing. Can I work on that instead?(To learn how to make your kids smarter, clickhere.)So youre asking questions. Youre engaged. Now how do you apply that to the skill youre working on?Find Your Optimal PushThe kids who questioned their teachers got to know themselves better. So they were better judges of what they could and couldnt do.This allowed them to best practice at a levelwhere they were always stretching themselves but not so much that the task was impossible. This is called optimal push.Knowing youroptimal pushmeans youdont plateau - youjust keep getting better. And when youscrew up youlllearn more from yourmistakes.Heres DavidOptimal push is something thats a little harder than what youve ever done but not so hard its out of your reach.When the other kids plateau, these kids dont. And thats on the playing field and in the classroom. The kids who had these self-regulatory skills get more out of their mistakes than their peers do. Their failures are not wasted opportunities they draw something from them.(To learn how to apply the craftmans mindset to your work, clickhere.)Lets say youre doing everything mentioned thus far. Awesome. If you had to sum up the most important thing to focus on in justone word, what would it be?The 1 Thing Is ReflectionDavid asked the head of theGroningen talent studies if she could sum up in one word the thing that all the top kids (in school or any sport) all had in common.She said Reflection. They think about what they did and ask themselves if its working.Heres DavidWhen they do something, whether its good or bad, they take time for reflection. They asked themselvesWas it difficult enough? Was it too easy? Did it make me better? Did it not? It sounds simple and sounds facile, but I think we dont do it.We naturally gravitate toward increasing comfort in everything we do in our jobs. We become more efficient and we fall prey to that efficiency. Thats a disaster. When a ll your effortsare things that you can do easily and without thinking about them, yourenot going to improve.(To learn how the lessons of ancient thinkers can improve your modern life, clickhere.)Lets pull everything together and bust one more big myth about being the best at anything.Enough Reading. Time For Doing.Heres what youcan learn about learning from DavidDont Let Anyone Say You Dont Have TalentWhat Do You Rage To Master?Dont Follow Instructions. Fumble Around.Ask Whats Most Important Here?Be A Pain In The AssFind Your Optimal PushThe 1 Thing Is ReflectionSome of you might think the above doesnt really apply to you. Its too late to start something. Or youre too old to learn.Wrong. The latest research says youre never too old to learn. Youcanteach an old dog new tricks.Heres DavidI think what the science is saying at this point is that a lot of the limitations that were placed on older learners and older athletes didnt have any empirical backing.As we get older we trade a more flexible brain for one that is more efficient. We see that in sportsandwe see that in other cognitive skills. Experience and efficiency make up for some of the raw horsepower that we may lose as we age.Its never too late to be great.Join more than 305,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsNew Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You HappyNew Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More SuccessfulHow To Get People To Like You 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior ExpertThis article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.7 secrets top athletes can teach you about being the best at anythingWed all like to be better at what is most important to us.Top athletes know the secrets to constant improvement but most of us dont hang out with gold medalists or top coachesand were not familiar with the sports research. So I called a guy who is.David Epstein is the author of the New York Times bestsellerThe Sports Gene Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athlet ic Performance.Its an excellent read whether youre a sports fan or not and covers a lot of the science on how we can get better at anything.In this post youll learnThe one word thattop students and top athletesboth useto get better.The thing babies can teach us aboutlearning.Howbeing difficult to deal with can boost your learning ability.The qualityall prodigies have in common.The question that accelerates learning.How to leverage your unique abilities to be your best.And a lot more.Lets get to it.Dont Let Anyone Say You Dont Have TalentYou get told you dont have natural talent at something. Or youre not smart enough. Not fast enough. Soyou get discouraged and quit.But new research is showing some abilities dont make themselves visible until challenges get hard enough.Heres DavidOnce things get hard enough, people start to be differentiated andsee some skills that theyprobably didnt even know they had.Those skills were only activated once they got into the right spot and the challen ges got difficult.Theres a new factor in sports research called trainability. Some people may not have natural talent but they may be highly trainable.They start out below average but improvefar faster. When we measurethese people on day one they get told they dont have it. But after a few weeks or months theyre blowing away the so-called naturals. The lesson? Hang in there.(For more on what the most successful people do that makes them great, clickhere.)So talents not as big an issue as you may have thought. But where should you focus your energy?What Do You Rage To Master?What doprodigies have in common? Ellen Winner at Boston College calls it the rage to master. Its aninsatiable desire to get better at something specific.Heres DavidI love some of the work done by Ellen Winner at Boston College on prodigies. She coined this term rage to master. Its the obsessive desire to improve at something.We think of prodigies as little miracle kids. And yeah, when you look at tests of working memory they score off the charts. But thats theonlymetricthey all have in common.So they dont have completely alien super-brains.A huge part of why theyre so good is they found the thing they had natural talent for and relentlessly applied themselves. And thats something we can all do.Heres DavidReal prodigies basically all score in the 99.9th percentile of working memory but after that they score really, really differently. It suggests that while they have some horsepower, they also have individualized unique strengths that have made them good for what they do. They arent just interchangeable. They gravitated toward unique strengths that they have.(To learn how you can go from dreaming to doing, clickhere.)So you know what youre passionate about and youre working hard. Whats the best way to get started? Youll be surprisedDont Follow Instructions. Learn Like A Baby.When did you learn the most and learn the fastest? Theres no debate its when you were a baby.You didnt get clear instr uctions from anybody on anything and yet you learned some of the most complex things in the world, like walking and talking.This process (implicit learning) isnt just for babies. Were often too focused on executing very specific steps and so we dont take the time to fumble aroundandmake mistakeslike when we were kids.As adults we think we dont have time for it but its one of the reasons we dont learn as well as when we were little.Heres DavidAllowing implicit learning early in whatever were learning, whether its chess, whether its looking at market patterns, whatever it is, is very important. You dont wanttoo much explicit coaching early on. You want to learn like a baby. Babies are immersed and theyre given immediate feedback and they have to strive and try.Only later do you formally teach them things like grammar.And its not just speculation. Research with young surgeons is showingthe power of learning like a baby.Heres DavidOn the first try those given explicit instructions were better, but very very quickly the ones who started with more implicit-style learningsurpassed them insurgical speed and accuracy.(To learn about grit and resilience from a Navy SEAL, clickhere.)Whats the main question you should be asking yourself when trying to improve?Ask Whats Most Important Here?InThe Sports Gene,David tells the story of what happened whentop baseball batters went up against a female softball pitcher.She struck every single one of them out.How did she do it?Because the old advice of keep your eye on the ball is dead wrong. In fact, its impossible - a baseball moves too fast. Its not about reaction time. Its about the subtle cues a batter sees in a pitchers body before they throw the ball.But baseball batters arent used to how softball pitchers move. They get all the cues wrong and strike out.If you dont know what theimportant part of what youre trying to learn is then youre like a batter trying to keep their eye on the ball. Youre focused on improving thewrong thing.Heres DavidThe hallmark of expertise is figuring out what information is important. And in many cases, these are things that are implicitly learned that the performer themselves would not be able to tell you. They will tell you something that causes their success and in many cases theyll be wrong. Weve had to do some pretty complicated studies to figure out what it is they actually do.(To learn how to find the best mentor for you, clickhere.)If youre smart, youre getting help with whatever youre trying to get better at.Whats the best way to deal with your teacher? Its probably not what youd expectBe A Pain In The AssTheGroningen talent studies have been following kids in the classroom and in a variety of sports for 15 years now.What do the ones who go on to get the best grades or become pro athletes have in common?They didnt merely do what they were told. They questioned coaches and teachers. They pushed back. They asked if this was the right activity for them to be doing.Here s DavidThekids that outdid their peers in the classroom and the kids that went on to become pros in a variety of sports had behavioral traits in common.The kids who went to the top in soccer, for example, they displayed what the scientists called self-regulatory behavior. Its a12-year-old whos going up to their trainer and saying, I think this drill is a little too easy. What is this working on again? Why are we doing this? I think Im having a problem with this other thing. Can I work on that instead?(To learn how to make your kids smarter, clickhere.)So youre asking questions. Youre engaged. Now how do you apply that to the skill youre working on?Find Your Optimal PushThe kids who questioned their teachers got to know themselves better. So they were better judges of what they could and couldnt do.This allowed them to best practice at a levelwhere they were always stretching themselves but not so much that the task was impossible. This is called optimal push.Knowing youroptimal push means youdont plateau - youjust keep getting better. And when youscrew up youlllearn more from yourmistakes.Heres DavidOptimal push is something thats a little harder than what youve ever done but not so hard its out of your reach.When the other kids plateau, these kids dont. And thats on the playing field and in the classroom. The kids who had these self-regulatory skills get more out of their mistakes than their peers do. Their failures are not wasted opportunities they draw something from them.(To learn how to apply the craftmans mindset to your work, clickhere.)Lets say youre doing everything mentioned thus far. Awesome. If you had to sum up the most important thing to focus on in justone word, what would it be?The 1 Thing Is ReflectionDavid asked the head of theGroningen talent studies if she could sum up in one word the thing that all the top kids (in school or any sport) all had in common.She said Reflection. They think about what they did and ask themselves if its working.H eres DavidWhen they do something, whether its good or bad, they take time for reflection. They asked themselvesWas it difficult enough? Was it too easy? Did it make me better? Did it not? It sounds simple and sounds facile, but I think we dont do it.We naturally gravitate toward increasing comfort in everything we do in our jobs. We become more efficient and we fall prey to that efficiency. Thats a disaster. When all your effortsare things that you can do easily and without thinking about them, yourenot going to improve.(To learn how the lessons of ancient thinkers can improve your modern life, clickhere.)Lets pull everything together and bust one more big myth about being the best at anything.Enough Reading. Time For Doing.Heres what youcan learn about learning from DavidDont Let Anyone Say You Dont Have TalentWhat Do You Rage To Master?Dont Follow Instructions. Fumble Around.Ask Whats Most Important Here?Be A Pain In The AssFind Your Optimal PushThe 1 Thing Is ReflectionSome of yo u might think the above doesnt really apply to you. Its too late to start something. Or youre too old to learn.Wrong. The latest research says youre never too old to learn. Youcanteach an old dog new tricks.Heres DavidI think what the science is saying at this point is that a lot of the limitations that were placed on older learners and older athletes didnt have any empirical backing.As we get older we trade a more flexible brain for one that is more efficient. We see that in sportsandwe see that in other cognitive skills. Experience and efficiency make up for some of the raw horsepower that we may lose as we age.Its never too late to be great.Join more than 305,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsNew Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You HappyNew Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More SuccessfulHow To Get People To Like You 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior ExpertThis article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Follow-Up Job Interview Insights

Follow-Up Job Interview InsightsFollow-Up Job Interview InsightsJob seekers frequently have questions about how to get ready for interviews. But the concerns arent confined to making a good first impression. Two of our all-time most popular blog posts involve planning for a second interview or third interview. The follow-up interview can indeed be a tricky one.While candidates would no doubt prefer a quick and straightforward hiring process, the bottom line is that the path to a new job can often be a meandering one that requires skill and patience. Employers today are simply more cautious and exacting when bringing aboard new team members.Since our posts on second and third interviews were published, a number of readers have reached out to our blog editors and recruiting specialists with more specific questions. Following is a sampling of the schriftarts of queries weve fielded. While theres no one-size-fits-all solution to some of ansicht follow-up interview scenarios, here are som e thoughts on what you might do if you find yourself in a similar situationPhone interview fatigueQuestion I am interviewing for a fleck at a fairly big company. I did the first and second interviews by phone and was just called for a third phone interview. I have interviewed with different people on each occasion. I dont know what to expect from my third interview. Any tips?Answer Phone interviews are typically used to narrow down the candidate pool. While having three phone interviews is less common, youve obviously impressed the employer enough that they want to keep the conversation going. Dont succumb to phone interview fatigue just yet. Go into the third interview with the same level of preparation and optimism as you did the first two. Remember You are getting closer to reaching your ultimate goal. You might email the HR representative or one of the previous interviewers to find out who will be on this next call.During this follow-up interview, reiterate your most relevant sk ills but also try to weave in some details youve learned about the company through your research and previous interviews. That will show that youve been engaged and remain extremely interested. Before the call wraps up, ask about next steps in the hiring process.You should interview for this job insteadQ I applied for a position and went through four interviews. In the end, they chose the other finalist. The employer then said they had aleidher open position theyd like me to apply for, as I had made a great impression on everyone. I did a Skype interview with that hiring manager and it went well. After three weeks I got a call saying that - again - they really liked me, but had offered the job to someone else.But with that bad news, I was also told there was yet another position and that another hiring manager was interested in me. Now I have an opportunity to interview for this third job opening. Im confused. It seems that they like me, but not enough to offer me a job. Do you ha ve any advice on keeping positive for this new opportunity?A The first order of business is deciding whether or not youre interested in this particular job. Sure, youve invested a lot of time with this employer, but does the role truly appeal to you?If the answer is yes, the next step is to stop thinking about the previous interviews and focus strictly on nailing this one. View the situation as a fresh opportunity instead of some epic, uphill battle. Youre far more likely to impress this new hiring manager if you adopt a mindset of The company likes me so much they keep looking for ways to hire me instead of Ugh, why do I keep coming in second place? The bottom line Dont psych yourself out. Keep doing what youve been doing in the interviews. They clearly think highly of you.Now if they suggest you apply for a fourth job, well, it might be time to consider cutting bait.Is the follow-up interview a mere formality?Q I was first interviewed for a job by my potential boss. I had a follow -up interview with that persons boss and the leader of the department. Now I have a third interview with the CFO. What can I expect from this type of interview? Do you think it might be a formality and that the CFO wants to briefly meet with me just to make sure Im a good fit?A Make no assumptions. While its helpful to display a quiet confidence, being too self-assured can be a killer. Maybe you have the job offer locked up and the meeting will be a perfunctory get-to-know-you session. Or maybe not. Youre meeting with a top executive, who could either nix your chances or influence your career for years to come if you do get the job. In short, prepare diligently.The waiting gameQ I recently did a follow-up interview. The recruiter told me that the final decision would be made today and that Id be receiving a call either way, but I did not hear from him. What does this mean?A What does it mean? The possibilities are endless. Trying to read into a situation when you have zero informati on is frustrating - and futile. Key stakeholders might still be deciding. An internal candidate might have popped up at the last second. The recruiter could be out sick.Instead of playing the what-if game, give it a day and then send the recruiter a friendly and succinct email. Politely ask if there is any update and briefly mention your strong interest in the job. Thank the recruiter for his time and make it known when youd be available to talk.On the flyQ Ive had two video interviews for the position Im seeking. The first was with a lokal manager. The second interview was with all managers from different regions as well as the VP of operations. The company contacted me today and they want to fly me out to meet everyone face to face and tour the facility. Should I expect a tough and in-depth interview, or does the fact they are paying to fly me in mean Im in the home stretch of the process?A Video interviews and phone interviews are cost-effective ways for employers to narrow the field. So, yes, its a promising sign that the employer is willing to invest time and money in further discussions with you, but its always safer to be ready for a grilling than a cakewalk. Prepare for tough and in-depth and let yourself be presently surprised if you fly through this follow-up interview. Best of luck Tags

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to lower your bills Tips from the FBIs top hostage negotiator

How to lower yur bills Tips from the FBIs top hostage negotiatorHow to lower your bills Tips from the FBIs top hostage negotiatorEver feel like the cable company or your phone service dienst is charging too much? Ever feel helpless to do much about it? Youre elend crazy.When you call themthe customer service rep is reading from a script.I know somebody who has worked on producing those scripts - hes a Harvard trained negotiator. An expert. He makes sure the phrasing triggersreciprocityand subtly includes a number of other techniques to benefit them - and not you.So when you talk to the part reading that script youre basically going up against a top tier negotiator. Totallynot a fair fight. And that bugs me. A lot.If they have experts helping them, we should have experts helping us. So I called a friend who is an expert.Chris Vosswelches the FBIs lead international hostage negotiator. Hes taught negotiation at Harvard, Georgetown, and USC. Hes also CEO of theBlack Swan Group.Chris i s going to show us a number of methodshes used forabspracheing with hostage takers, terrorists and other people almost as scary as Comcast.Chris and I specifically discussed how you can lower your cable bill but these concepts will work for most any service provider youre dealing with.Heres what youll learnHow to find out what to ask for.The most effectiveway to speak.Jedi Mind Trick phrases that get them to pay attention and get them off script.How to make them like you.The technique that makes them binnensee your point of view without making demands.Lets get to it1) Do A Little HomeworkNot a ton. But negotiation studies show thatgood results are correlated with time spent preparing.Check what specials and discounts your cable company is offering new customers.Heres ChrisLook at what theyre offering new customers. By and large their rates for new customers are going to be slightly below market rates. Thats why they think itsgoing to attract people.You can also take a look at what t heir competitors are offering but they will have done that research for you. Thats why theyre offering the price theyre offering because theyre getting it from the marketplace.(For more on the fundamental principles of hostage negotiation, clickhere.)Okay, you know what youre looking to get out of this. But before we think about what to say, its important to think abouthowyou say it.2) Use The Late Night FM DJ VoiceNo, you dont have to do a Barry White imitation.The point is to make sure your voice is projecting calm and warmth.Chris couldnt be jumpy or angry when talking with hostage takers and you probably wont get far like that dealing with battle-hardened customer service people either. Theyre used to dealing with crazy people they have a script for it.Calm is largely a matter of slowing your speech down. Warmth comes fromsmiling while you speak.Heres ChrisCustomer service people are so used to being attacked that this has to be the first step. Itll either prevent them fromputti ng their guard up or make them less leery in dropping their guard. Its just a matter of slowing down a little bit and pacing. I think one of the things that has the tendency to make a difference in how it sounds is actually whether or not youre smiling when youspeak.(To hearan FBI behavioral experts secrets on how to get people to like you, clickhere.)Time to departure talking. What you say first is very important. Its one of hisfavorite Jedi Mind Tricks.3)abflug With Im SorryAre you wondering why you should start with Im sorry? Well, so will they. Heres ChrisWhen the first thing you say to someone is Im sorry, they think,What in the world is going on with this person thats causing them to say Im sorry? Ive got to take a look at this guy or gal. In a very non-threatening way, you have forced them to take a look at you to figure out whats going on.So youve got their attention, theyre curious and surprised. What other effect does it have? It also makes themfeel good.Heres ChrisIts ama zingly disarming. They know that they havent spoken to you at all so theyre amazed that youre showing them that much respect to start off with. Theres great power in deference.A lot of people want to dominate a conversation, control a conversation and they forget about how much it causes your counterpart to raise their guard. When youre very deferential, the other side has a tendency to drop their guard and they feel powerful because youve empowered them.What they dont understand is that youre the source of that power and if you can empower them you can also take it away. So it puts you in a tremendous position of advantage. Youve already initiated the negotiation and the other side has no idea that youre already working on them to get them to drop their guard.(For more on how to deal with the most difficult conversations, clickhere.)Whats the next Jedi Mind Trick Chris recommends?4) ThisMaySound HarshAnticipating what Im going to say next? Of course you are.And whatever I say, fran kly, isnt going to be as scary as whatever you just imagined.So thats why Chris recommends you use the phrase, This is going to sound harsh It holds peoples attention and whatever comes afterward is a relief.Heres ChrisWhatever we think of that horrifies us seemshuge and having braced ourselves for something terrible and horrifying whatever comes next is always less than what we expected.Wefeelrelieved and it seems easy in comparison.(For tipsfrom Harvard Law Schools Project on Negotiation, clickhere.)So you said you were sorry, and warned them that the next thing was going to sound harsh. You have their attention and theyre wondering what is going to come next So what comes next?5)Turn A Complaint Call Into An Appreciation CallDeveloping empathy with the other side is a huge part of theFBI Behavioral Change Stairway. And with customer service people, its not easy.Theyve probably fielded 100 other calls like this with people meaner, smoother, cooler,whatever-it-isthan you are. And t heyre probably tuned out. Theyre jaded and theyre just reading what the script tells them to say.Their shields are up. How do we bring them down? Its calledforced empathy.Heres ChrisForced empathy is an incredibly strategic way to makethem see your point of view without them knowing that its being forced on them. In arecent post on your blog,Daniel Pinkwas talking about how important autonomy is to peoples motivation.The minute you start trying to force something on someone youre taking away their autonomy and theyre getting their guard up.You need to avoid the predictable. Leading with Im sorry is actually a method of forced empathy as well.Chris knows about this firsthand from dealing with terrorists (no, not the variety that works at Comcast). When they hear predictable phrases from FBI negotiators it wasvery very bad.Heres ChrisThe minute we fall into predictable dialogue, the terrorists are looking at each other and saying Yeah, our leaders told us you were going to say that. A nd that makes them believe in the direction they were already going in even more.So how do you use forced empathy and resist being predictable?Turn a complaint call into an appreciation call.Heres ChrisThe brde thing they expect you to do isappreciate what their company has done for you. Because customer service, by definition, is there to field complaints. They dont field appreciation calls. Sostart off by saying, Your company provides phenomenal service. Im getting a great bargain and Im a little embarrassed that Im calling in and asking for a better deal because what your company is providing is worth every single dime that youre charging me.(For my interview with Robert Cialdini, the most noted persuasion expert in the world, clickhere.)Theyre paying attention and they like you - so now its time toassert.6) A Focused Comparison With An Open-Ended QuestionYou dont want to demand anything. Thats another autonomy struggle. But if you make a solid comparison thenthe conclusion in y our head will appear intheirhead - and then theyre much more likely to accept it. Heres ChrisYou lay out the empathy and then you lay out the reality and then you hit them with a how question. Thats a forced focus comparison. Heres x and y - how do these two things lineup?Again, thats why you need to say it with the late night FBI DJ voice. Its got to be very gentle. Its got to be very deferential so they dont feel backed into a corner.Sohow do you construct a focused comparison? For the cable company scenario lets compare the two relevant billing schemesloyal customers who pay their bills on time every month have to payhigher prices than strangers off the street.Does that sound fairto you? BOOM. Theres your point of attack.But we dont want to be tooconfrontational. Youwant them on your side.Chris explains how one of his students wordedit perfectlyHe called in and he went on and on and on about how good the service was and then he said, Ive been a loyal customer and Ive always pai d my bill on time and then I find out that with the great value that Im getting and the tremendous amount of loyalty that Ive been providing that you guys are offering better deals to people who have never paid you a dime and never been a loyal customer. He said, How am I supposed to live with that?The next thing he heard was the sound of crickets.Because the person on the other end of the line had no answer, it was just dead silence.And that silence is key.Effective pausesare a key tool of FBI hostage negotiation.Heres ChrisAny great open ended question has got to be followed with silence. You have to let the other person respond.If you dont, you may completely bail them out and take them off the hook. Again, thats a very deferential approach. Its not forcing them to answer directly but it is indirectly because you were the last person to speak.And, yes, his student got amuchbetter deal on his cable package.(To read more tips from Chris clickhere.)Okay, lets review and learnmy favo rite insight of all.Enough Reading. Time For Doing.Heres the script from ChrisDo a little homework.Find out what theyre offering new customers.Late night FM DJ voice.Speak in calm, measured tones and smile as you talk.Start with Im sorry.It grabs their attention and empowers them.This is going to sound harshIt sets them up for something big and makes whatever you say a relief.Turn a complaint call into an appreciation call.This is forced empathy. Theyll want to help you.A focused comparison with an open-ended question.And its probably going to bring your bill down a lot.This isnt yelling and shouting. Its not hardball with numbers flying back and forth. None of that works for saving hostages and it doesnt work all that well for cable and phone companies either.The more effective system is a lot more subtle. As Chris is hintergrund of sayingThe most dangerous negotiation is the one you dont know youre in.Join more than 315,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related po sts6 Hostage Negotiation Techniques That Will Get You What You WantHow To Get People To Like You 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior ExpertHow To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done 5 Expert TipsThis article first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.How to lower your bills Tips from the FBIs top hostage negotiatorEver feel like the cable company or your phone service provider is charging too much? Ever feel helpless to do much about it? Youre not crazy.When you call themthe customer service rep is reading from a script.I know somebody who has worked on producing those scripts - hes a Harvard trained negotiator. An expert. He makes sure the phrasing triggersreciprocityand subtly includes a number of other techniques to benefit them - and not you.So when you talk to the person reading that script youre basically going up against a top tier negotiator. Totallynot a fair fight. And that bugs me. A lot.If they have experts helping them, we should have experts helping us. So I called a friend who is an expert.Chris Vosswas the FBIs lead international hostage negotiator. Hes taught negotiation at Harvard, Georgetown, and USC. Hes also CEO of theBlack Swan Group.Chris is going to show us a number of methodshes used fordealing with hostage takers, terrorists and other people almost as scary as Comcast.Chris and I specifically discussed how you can lower your cable bill but these concepts will work for most any service provider youre dealing with.Heres what youll learnHow to find out what to ask for.The most effectiveway to speak.Jedi Mind Trick phrases that get them to pay attention and get them off script.How to make them like you.The technique that makes them see your point of view without making demands.Lets get to it1) Do A Little HomeworkNot a ton. But negotiation studies show thatgood results are correlated with time spent preparing.Check what specials and discounts your cable company is offering new customers.Heres ChrisLook at what theyre offering new customers. By and large their rates for new customers are going to be slightly below market rates. Thats why they think itsgoing to attract people.You can also take a look at what their competitors are offering but they will have done that research for you. Thats why theyre offering the price theyre offering because theyre getting it from the marketplace.(For more on the fundamental principles of hostage negotiation, clickhere.)Okay, you know what youre looking to get out of this. But before we think about what to say, its important to think abouthowyou say it.2) Use The Late Night FM DJ VoiceNo, you dont have to do a Barry White imitation.The point is to make sure your voice is projecting calm and warmth.Chris couldnt be jumpy or angry when talking with hostage takers and you probably wont get far like that dealing with battle-hardened customer service people either. Theyre used to dealing with crazy people they have a script for it.Calm is largely a matter of slowing your speech down. Warmth co mes fromsmiling while you speak.Heres ChrisCustomer service people are so used to being attacked that this has to be the first step. Itll either prevent them fromputting their guard up or make them less leery in dropping their guard. Its just a matter of slowing down a little bit and pacing. I think one of the things that has the tendency to make a difference in how it sounds is actually whether or not youre smiling when youspeak.(To hearan FBI behavioral experts secrets on how to get people to like you, clickhere.)Time to start talking. What you say first is very important. Its one of hisfavorite Jedi Mind Tricks.3)Start With Im SorryAre you wondering why you should start with Im sorry? Well, so will they. Heres ChrisWhen the first thing you say to someone is Im sorry, they think,What in the world is going on with this person thats causing them to say Im sorry? Ive got to take a look at this guy or gal. In a very non-threatening way, you have forced them to take a look at you to fi gure out whats going on.So youve got their attention, theyre curious and surprised. What other effect does it have? It also makes themfeel good.Heres ChrisIts amazingly disarming. They know that they havent spoken to you at all so theyre amazed that youre showing them that much respect to start off with. Theres great power in deference.A lot of people want to dominate a conversation, control a conversation and they forget about how much it causes your counterpart to raise their guard. When youre very deferential, the other side has a tendency to drop their guard and they feel powerful because youve empowered them.What they dont understand is that youre the source of that power and if you can empower them you can also take it away. So it puts you in a tremendous position of advantage. Youve already initiated the negotiation and the other side has no idea that youre already working on them to get them to drop their guard.(For more on how to deal with the most difficult conversations, clickhere.)Whats the next Jedi Mind Trick Chris recommends?4) ThisMaySound HarshAnticipating what Im going to say next? Of course you are.And whatever I say, frankly, isnt going to be as scary as whatever you just imagined.So thats why Chris recommends you use the phrase, This is going to sound harsh It holds peoples attention and whatever comes afterward is a relief.Heres ChrisWhatever we think of that horrifies us seemshuge and having braced ourselves for something terrible and horrifying whatever comes next is always less than what we expected.Wefeelrelieved and it seems easy in comparison.(For tipsfrom Harvard Law Schools Project on Negotiation, clickhere.)So you said you were sorry, and warned them that the next thing was going to sound harsh. You have their attention and theyre wondering what is going to come next So what comes next?5)Turn A Complaint Call Into An Appreciation CallDeveloping empathy with the other side is a huge part of theFBI Behavioral Change Stairway. And w ith customer service people, its not easy.Theyve probably fielded 100 other calls like this with people meaner, smoother, cooler,whatever-it-isthan you are. And theyre probably tuned out. Theyre jaded and theyre just reading what the script tells them to say.Their shields are up. How do we bring them down? Its calledforced empathy.Heres ChrisForced empathy is an incredibly strategic way to makethem see your point of view without them knowing that its being forced on them. In arecent post on your blog,Daniel Pinkwas talking about how important autonomy is to peoples motivation.The minute you start trying to force something on someone youre taking away their autonomy and theyre getting their guard up.You need to avoid the predictable. Leading with Im sorry is actually a method of forced empathy as well.Chris knows about this firsthand from dealing with terrorists (no, not the variety that works at Comcast). When they hear predictable phrases from FBI negotiators it wasvery very bad.He res ChrisThe minute we fall into predictable dialogue, the terrorists are looking at each other and saying Yeah, our leaders told us you were going to say that. And that makes them believe in the direction they were already going in even more.So how do you use forced empathy and resist being predictable?Turn a complaint call into an appreciation call.Heres ChrisThe last thing they expect you to do isappreciate what their company has done for you. Because customer service, by definition, is there to field complaints. They dont field appreciation calls. Sostart off by saying, Your company provides phenomenal service. Im getting a great bargain and Im a little embarrassed that Im calling in and asking for a better deal because what your company is providing is worth every single dime that youre charging me.(For my interview with Robert Cialdini, the most noted persuasion expert in the world, clickhere.)Theyre paying attention and they like you - so now its time toassert.6) A Focused C omparison With An Open-Ended QuestionYou dont want to demand anything. Thats another autonomy struggle. But if you make a solid comparison thenthe conclusion in your head will appear intheirhead - and then theyre much more likely to accept it. Heres ChrisYou lay out the empathy and then you lay out the reality and then you hit them with a how question. Thats a forced focus comparison. Heres x and y - how do these two things lineup?Again, thats why you need to say it with the late night FBI DJ voice. Its got to be very gentle. Its got to be very deferential so they dont feel backed into a corner.Sohow do you construct a focused comparison? For the cable company scenario lets compare the two relevant billing schemesloyal customers who pay their bills on time every month have to payhigher prices than strangers off the street.Does that sound fairto you? BOOM. Theres your point of attack.But we dont want to be tooconfrontational. Youwant them on your side.Chris explains how one of his students wordedit perfectlyHe called in and he went on and on and on about how good the service was and then he said, Ive been a loyal customer and Ive always paid my bill on time and then I find out that with the great value that Im getting and the tremendous amount of loyalty that Ive been providing that you guys are offering better deals to people who have never paid you a dime and never been a loyal customer. He said, How am I supposed to live with that?The next thing he heard was the sound of crickets.Because the person on the other end of the line had no answer, it was just dead silence.And that silence is key.Effective pausesare a key tool of FBI hostage negotiation.Heres ChrisAny great open ended question has got to be followed with silence. You have to let the other person respond.If you dont, you may completely bail them out and take them off the hook. Again, thats a very deferential approach. Its not forcing them to answer directly but it is indirectly because you were th e last person to speak.And, yes, his student got amuchbetter deal on his cable package.(To read more tips from Chris clickhere.)Okay, lets review and learnmy favorite insight of all.Enough Reading. Time For Doing.Heres the script from ChrisDo a little homework.Find out what theyre offering new customers.Late night FM DJ voice.Speak in calm, measured tones and smile as you talk.Start with Im sorry.It grabs their attention and empowers them.This is going to sound harshIt sets them up for something big and makes whatever you say a relief.Turn a complaint call into an appreciation call.This is forced empathy. Theyll want to help you.A focused comparison with an open-ended question.And its probably going to bring your bill down a lot.This isnt yelling and shouting. Its not hardball with numbers flying back and forth. None of that works for saving hostages and it doesnt work all that well for cable and phone companies either.The more effective system is a lot more subtle. As Chris is fond of sayingThe most dangerous negotiation is the one you dont know youre in.Join more than 315,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related posts6 Hostage Negotiation Techniques That Will Get You What You WantHow To Get People To Like You 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior ExpertHow To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done 5 Expert TipsThis article first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Zeroing in on Your Hard-to-Define Job Successes for Resume Writing and Beyond

Zeroing in on Your Hard-to-Define Job Successes for Resume Writing and Beyond Zeroing in on Your Hard-to-Define Job Successes for Resume Writing and Beyond Ever wish you could more easily identify those personal traits that make you a good employee, even when your job successes are less than obvious? To get started, ask yourself some simple probing questions to help turn your investigative eye toward the right topics. Appropriately searching questions could be similar toHow was your job performance oben liegend to the way a generic, mediocre employee may have performed at the same tasks?What were your job accomplishments that other workers in your position may not have done?What do you think your boss and coworkers would say about you that makes you a great employee?How did your company/department/team change for the better for having you aboard? How did hiring you make your workplace better?While this is a great place to start for turning intangible performance metrics into sellab le marketing points, some additional questions are also useful for making sure you will make a great fit at your new job and can handle the new job duties appropriately. These qualitative metrics can be used to compare your performance to another worker so that you can truly begin to landsee what makes you a top employee. These questions take into account how your target company is built as well as what you need to succeed in a given position.These questions may include What do employees in your field of choice do and are you passionate about these tasks?The goal for this questions is not to simply figure out what it is professionals in the field do, but whether the job is something you are driven to do. How the business is built is also a major factor in shaping the answer to this question. Are you disciplined enough for the job?Understanding your passions is not always enough to ensure success at a job. Many employees fail at their positions due to lack of discipline, especially i nvolving the creation of a schedule and the ability to rigorously stick to it. Do you have a support ordnungsprinzip in place, both outside of the workplace and available to you at your employer?A useful support system can be as much of an emotional boon as a motivator to keep moving forward. The better you understand the role of the people in your life and the support they offer, the better you can gauge how they will react to various job-related stressors and support you through them. How advanced are your problem solving skills?A significant portion of any professional job is spent troubleshooting, identifying current and potential problems at your company, and discovering ways to solve them. Being able to consistently solve problems is a prerequisite for most any position out there.Beginning with your next job, set some tangible goals each month and keep records of when and how you accomplished those goals. When it comes time to apply for new job or start a new career, you will already have a list of hard successes to fill out your resume and present at future interviews to prove your effectiveness and strong suits as an employee.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Why Everybody Is Completely Mistaken Regarding Rn Resume Objectives and Why You Should View This Article Right Now

Why Everybody Is Completely Mistaken Regarding Rn Resume Objectives and Why You Should View This Article Right Now The Importance of Rn Resume Objectives Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume summary. If you submit your application online, its also advisable to have a chance to attach your resume. Savvy resumes are anchored by a comprehensive summary that permits the reader to rapidly find salient details about the applicant. Sooner or later, your resumes format is an issue of style. Be sure to eliminate the brackets as youre replacing text. Its constantly a fantastic notion to consist of a couple of recommendations towards the base of your own resume. Include the business name in the goal statement to prove that you are intent on working there. When theres a certain power or item of machinery you have zero practical experience with, allow the business know youre ready to learn. If you have gotten such abilities, be certain t o set them at the restart and youll certainly stick from the contest. When you file your application you will stumble upon a perseverance. You may use the skills below. Your resume ought to be simple to read and formatted to produce relevant abilities and qualifications stick out. What You Need to Do About Rn Resume Objectives In spite of popular opinion, acquiring an objective statement near the top of your resume isnt necessarily to your benefit. This objective examples are written in diverse formats. If objectives are excessively general, students dont understand what it is that theyre supposed in order to do. Your resume objective is your opportunity to tell a brief story about yourself. Youve chosen to be a crucial part of the healthcare system, someone people rely upon in order to take care them and their nearest and dearest, and thats worthy option. If you ought to be ready for work afterward youre ready to become always a leasehand. Your skilled experience is truly a critical part of somebodys own resume. If it welches more than five years back, you dont will need to include it. If youre unsure how to phrase your skills, or in case you would like examples of objective statements, check out some job websites for ideas. You may come across a few skills which are totally necessary for just about any prosperous candidate. There are lots of good formats. No matter your degree of work practical expertise, your resume format is crucial to making your program stick out. Life, Death, and Rn Resume Objectives Since hiring managers have a tendency to concentsatz on the purpose statement morethan any other portion of the resume, you ought to use this space to emphasize the qualifications you possess that would permit you to be successful in the position. Your personal objectives and aspirations would go quite a way to clarify what kind of placement youre searching for in the nursing profession. As for the particular temperament of the job, it typi cally involves office work for the large part. You will need to apply continuously, even when you get interviews, as its possible that you can not pass the interview stage. Do you have to write or update a resume to submit an application for work. You may still prove that youre excellent for the job. As a consequence, the job will vary to some degree and permit you to leave the office sometimes. The job posting also takes a candidate with a proven ability to rate the skills of different nurses. Dont forget your nursing resume will want to list your nursing abilities. Your objective statement ought to be able to show employers that youve got the skills, expertise, and experience they are searching for in the nurse they want to hire. This informative article will also boost your understanding of the clinical coordinator duties and responsibilities if youre interested in the career and urge to learn as much as possible concerning the job. It will help you understand the basics o f resume writing and provide education-level specific tips on how to make your resume stand out to healthcare recruiters.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Level up with Swinburne Online

Level up with Swinburne Online Level up with Swinburne OnlinePosted June 16, 2014, by Andrea RiddellDelivering an enriching student experience is important for any educational institution, but for providers operating in the zugreifbar space, this can be even more challenging.Creating an engaging virtual campus is integral to success, and this all hinges on being able to strike a balance between engaging content, supportive environments and technology.One provider who has heeded this advice is Swinburne Online, an entity borne out of a joint partnership between education heavyweight Swinburne University of Technology and online employment and training expert, SEEK.Celebrating its first graduating class in March, Swinburne has responded to the growing demand for flexible higher education options for students unable or reluctant to study on campus. With 18 diverse online degrees, Swinburne Online is the first of its kind in Australia, and offers students an optimised online learning exp erience.Enrolments for the next teaching period end 27 June. Enquire now to become a part of the Swinburne story and start studying on 7 July Bachelor of geschftlicher umgang Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) Bachelor of Business (Management) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Bachelor of Business (Public Relations) Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) Bachelor of Communication (Media Studies) Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology) Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) Master of Teaching (Primary) ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources Office rGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreEducation trendsFuture trendsReport unveils a workforce for Australias futureA highly skilled and adaptable workforce will ensure that Australia remains globally competitive, according to a new report released by the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency.High schoolWORKFORCE TRENDSSES signs up studentsFollowing a four-decade peak in natural disasters in New South Wales, the state government has put $6 million towards training high school students as emergency workers.Green power is good for jobsFor those who work in the energy sector, career opportunities and environmental values have long been at opposing ends of the spe ctrum, until now.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Marketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 2 Know Your Audience

Marketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 2 Know Your AudienceMarketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 2 Know Your AudienceRecruiting and marketing are two distinct parts of an organization, and rarely do workers cross from one field into abedrngnisher, but the departments have some key traits in common. In fact, when it comes to recruiting, there are many benefits you can reap when you put on your marketer hat. In the coming weeks, we will discuss how adopting five tried and tested marketing techniques can lead to lower cost per application, higher quality candidates, and better overall performance of your recruiting campaign.InRule No. 1we covered the use of multiple channels to get your message out to the jobseeker audience. The next rule is knowing your audience and remembering to speak their language.For marketers, understanding audience is essential. It is why, according to CASRO (Council of American Survey Research Organization), spending on marketing research in the United States reached $6.7 billion in 2013. Advertising and messaging must be on target in order to get a proper response. If it looks like you dont know your audience and speak a different language than theyre accustomed to, youll be wasting your time and money.For the professional job marketer this starts with job posting copy. Different people have varying methods for developing copy. From a marketers perspective, heres some advice.Do not rely solely on the hiring manager for the skills and attributes needed for the job description. Marketers like to attract more of the best customers to their product. Solicit feedback from the people you want to attract more of- your current superstar employees. They will be able to provide the right language needed to attract quality candidates. If they use language to describe their role, and you want to attract more people like them, take their guidance and speak their language.Incorporate your brand and company values into your job posting. Paint a picture of wha t its like to work at your company and the cultural fit you expect from a quality candidate. However, dont get carried away.Remember the attributes your audience will be searching for. With a greater portion of candidates finding you through job search engines such as Simply Hired, the right keywords are important. You dont want a candidate who applied to your job because they searched for cool workspace with free lunches. Focus on the right search terms being entered by the quality jobseeker and aligning them to your job posting copy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to work alongside an immature colleague

How to work alongside an immature colleagueHow to work alongside an immature colleagueTake Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day was this week, but do you ever feel like youre working alongside young kids every day? Nothing against kids, of course - this personality type just isnt easy to work with as an adult.Here are some tips for dealing with immature colleagues in the office.Make a few things clearDr. Daneen Skube, Ph.D., an executive coach, therapist, trainer, speaker and author of Interpersonal Edge Breakthrough Tools for Talking to Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything, answers a readers question in The Seattle Times about how to work with an immature coworker who has outbursts at work, and why he acts that way.Every parent knows that what works best with children is to warn them about consequences, give them choices that encourage good behavior, and without argument apply consequences when kids act badly, she writes. The same strategy works for immature co-workers. Next time your 2- year-old co-worker wants to have a power struggle, forget about changing his oppositional nature. Instead, give him two choicesHe can continue arguing and not get anything.He can work together with you or others and get what he wants.If your boss is immature, be sure to cover all your basesA tonbildschau on childish boss behavior includes information from Lynn Taylor, a workplace expert and author of Terrible Office Tyrant (TOT) How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job. One particular slide says that you should anticipate the followingBe alert for problems and prepared with sound solutions. By having answers to emerging issues, and not adding to your bosss pressures, you avoid triggering bratty behavior. Your TOT wants to delegate as much as possible - as long as you make the process worry-free. An extra benefit is that youll become more indispensable.Tread carefully during your conversation with themSpeak clearly about how their actions are impacting you.Referring to a 2015 CareerBuilder surveyshowing that 77% of workers surveyed have dealt with immature colleagues, Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at CareerBuilder, told Money Magazine how to have a conversation about this.Try approaching that person one on one. Calmly, without passing judgment, explain how his or her behavior is affecting your ability to work, Haefner told the publication.Your coworkers - or your boss, unfortunately - might act like they are years younger than they actually are, but doing things like addressing them and making sure youre covered work-wisemight just make it a lot easier to work with them on a daily basis.

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teleNetwork Call Center- Work-At-HometeleNetwork Call Center- Work-At-HomeIndustry Call Center Company Description Based in the Austin, TX area, this contact center company has a network of home-based agents, in addition to its Texas-based office employees, who provide customer tafelgeschirr and technical support from 18 U.S. states. Types of Work-at-Home Positions at teleNetwork Customer account specialists and tech support representatives work full- and part-time schedules. Both work via chat and phone. Customer service reps handle billing issues but will need technical knowledge as well. Customer account jobs are full time, while tech is both full and part time. applicants can choose morning (sometime between 5 AM-5 PM CT) or evening (sometime between3 PM-3 AM). Weekend availability is required. Requirements Most of the basic requirements for the two jobs are the same. Applicants must be 18 years or older, have a high school diploma or related work experience, six mon ths of experience in customer service, technical support, computer networking, help desk support, hospitality or similar work or volunteer experience. It is helpful to have advanced knowledge of computer software and hardware, experience (personal or professional) in troubleshooting computer issues, an understanding of TCP/IP protocols and Internet connectivity. Technical requirements are a PC (laptop is OK), 15 monitor, webcam, USB headset and cable, DSL, or fiber ISP of a certain speed (with a direct connection, i.e. no wireless routers). teleNetworks work-at-home program only hires residents of Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. If you dont live in one of these states, find work-at-home call center jobs in your state. Salary and Benefits Training is paid at $9 per hour, and positions begin at $10 per hour.Benefits include paid ti me off, health, dental, vision, and life insurance and 401K with match. Company has a wohlbefinden program that includes daily cardio and yoga classes via Google Hangouts, mental health support and more. Application Process To apply, go to teleNetworks website. Find more companies like teleNetwork on these lists Work-at-Home DirectoryMore Work-at-Home Company ProfilesHome Call Center JobsBilingual Work-at-Home JobsBilingual Call Center JobsFrench-Speaking Jobs From HomeHome Call Center Jobs in CanadaWork-at-Home Jobs in CanadaSales Jobs From Home Disclaimer Advertisements for work at home jobs or business opportunities placed on this page in the section labeled Sponsored Links or elsewhere are not necessarily legitimate. These ads are not screened by me but appear on the page due to having similar keywords to the text on the page.